Philadelphia MuralArts Program
- One-Liner: Murals look better than graffiti.
- Involve all generations but target youngest the most
- Provide employment to artists
- World-class and scale projects put movement on the map
- Participants become personally invested in project
- Improves city and individual simultaneously
- Gives citizens chance to prove their worth
Philadelphia LOVE Park
- One-Liner: Improvised skate-park become youth center
- Not intended for skating but later exploited this potential
- Allowed youth to create their own scene
- Stands out among city’s parks by having ritual
- Becomes center of other movements through association
- Has subversive undertone; not spoon-fed to urban youth
City Year
- 'Give a Year. Change the World.'
- Targets 17-24 year olds specifically
- Builds city and individual simultaneously
- Loyalty/ Personal investment in project
- Project is the organization, not the specific action
- Marketing reveals acute understanding of teen psychology
- Give-and-take; Don’t get something for nothing; Give something good -- get something great
- Exchange results in positive effect on both city and individual
- Psychology of ritual, place-making, and commitment
- KEY: Fully exploiting tool at hand, not finding most novel uses
> paint/brush/2d art
> physical urban form
> teen mentality manipulation
> cell/txt technology (!!)
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