Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Community Group Notes

Hi all, I've posted some notes about some community topics to consider that Daina, Stacey, and I discussed:


Consider busy/populated areas in the city
− Commercial areas
− Transportation hubs/bus stops

Eastwood/East Syracuse (shopping area)
James Street (mansions/upper class residential area)
Little Italy/North Syracuse

specific areas to consider:
- Armory Square
- Clinton Square
- Everson museum/state street (better directed for working crowd)
- Westcott
- Westside
In these different sectors identify demographics, age, race; map out qualities

Message –
What is the relationship to site, or demographics?
What are people concerned about?
What attracts certain age groups, and why?

Other things to consider:
- Shift of transportation intersection – what surrounds that area, what draws people
- Research (previously) existing projects in Syracuse targeting different age groups
(ie Teal Avenue → teenagers hang out by convenience stores by high school)

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